Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 65: Flying Saucers

Today for lunch, I ate an ice cream sandwich. Chocolate ice cream with chocolate cookies on either side. We always called these Flying Saucers growing up, but some of my friends recently informed me that they have no idea what those are. I think Carvel called the ice cream sandwiches Flying Saucers and I always just assumed that it was a general term. I have really fond memories of going to our local Carvel ice cream store after Little League softball games, and ordering a cup of chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. We would sit outside on these little benches with crushed sprinkles under our feet. Carvel ice cream always had such an awesome swirl. The ice cream I ate today was some super healthy brand so it was probably fake ice cream and fake cookies. It wasn't that good or filling at all and now I am still hungry.


  1. darn those fake cookies...they should burn in...somewhere that rhymes with bell...

  2. weren't flying saucers only the round ones, while the rectangular variety may have been tofutti cuties even if made with real ice cream?

  3. I knew exactly what you were referring to. I would call them the same thing.

  4. i think the rectangle existed before the tofu cutie was born..
