Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 7: It's Been One Week

My lunch options were extremely limited today because I am working from my sister's apartment while it is being repainted. So as I sat here literally watching paint dry, I had to rummage around to find something to eat. In the end, I ate a few chow mein noodles and a challah roll. (I suppose that since I am in her apartment, it's only fitting that I would turn into a Carb-ivore like she is.) After I ate, I went to ask one of the painters a question, and I found him using the bathroom with the door open. I made a hasty retreat.


  1. R, i hope you replaced that Challa Roll, what with SS do on shabbos when she needs her shala shudis??:)

  2. She will come to my apt and eat one of the many challah rolls she has left there. :)

    P.S. Rebecca, I am openly proclaiming my love for your blog!

  3. I think Sara will be fine! Thanks for the blog love - tell your friends!

  4. welcome to my job (re painter with door open).

  5. i must admit, this is so entertaining to read while i'm at work.. shh don't tell
